The pandemic came to change everything. Coronavirus infections affected the regular operation of many industries. This includes the gambling and sports betting sectors. Land-based casinos and sportsbooks had to close their doors due to restrictions. This action put players in an unfavorable position without a location to play.
However, that did not mean that they stopped doing it. On the contrary, they had to adapt to new digital systems. As contagions were around the corner, more and more online gambling rooms appeared—each of them bringing the best solutions to player’s needs. For example, you could find live games and also sports betting systems.
With a stable Internet connection and a compatible device, you can enjoy everything they offer. Usually, there are plenty of games to choose from—for example, roulette, blackjack, or poker, and new slot machines with different themes.
Despite all that, some players weren’t happy. One of the main uncertainties for bettors was to know if the online systems were going to be safe and easy to use. Most of them are, thanks to the optimization of the platforms. Still, some players prefer the real thing. That is why they are anxious to know when land-based casinos reopen.
If you are one of these players, here is everything you need to know.
There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel for Casino Players
In the Northern Hemisphere, with the arrival of summer, casinos are expected to open. Now that COVID-19 vaccines have begun to be supplied in many countries, it is safer for gambling halls to start operations.
However, this opening is subject to conditions. Establishments will have to comply with safety standards set by their governments. For example, visitors will be required to check their temperature before entering the rooms. They must also sanitize their hands regularly and wear masks.
This last requirement will not be mandatory, but it is a recommendation that is maintained, especially in European and Asian casinos. Many of the resorts that reign on the Las Vegas Strip opened their doors last June. The same is expected to happen in the other states where these types of venues are legal.
The requirements for casinos to open vary depending on the country or state. Unfortunately, in some latitudes, infections have not decreased, and new virus strains have even appeared. This has put an indefinite halt to operations in many sectors.
However, many area’s policies are more flexible in many places, especially those dependent on tourism and commerce. Generally, land-based casinos can open if they meet the following requirements.
Reduced Capacity and Services
Casinos need to limit the capacity of their rooms to be able to open. To achieve this goal, they have redistributed their gaming rooms to equip a smaller space with all the most popular games. In this way, they can dispense with areas that are not necessary to accommodate the number of customers allowed.
This regulation is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it allows casinos to save on services and hire more staff. But on the other hand, it forces them to reduce their operations, which significantly impacts their profits.
This measure applies to all areas of the casinos, including their resorts. For example, The Bellagio has reduced its occupancy by 50% and now has just over 1,000 active rooms, of the 5,000 they usually have available.
Restrictions on Travelers
The tourist appeal of casinos can be a problem for countries. For that reason, many cities have established regulations that visitors must comply with. One of them, for example, is to have the vaccination allowed by the government. If you do not have it, you will not enter the country and enjoy its casinos.
In general, the reopening of these venues will be done in phases. In the first phase, only local players will be allowed to enter the actual rooms. Then visitors will be allowed to arrive by car. Then, if things progress as expected, visitors using domestic flights will be able to come. Finally, international players will be welcomed.
Correct Sanitation of Spaces and Games
To ensure the safety of users, casinos must commit to sanitize all their areas. This process must be done constantly and applies to gaming as well. For example, slot machines must be sanitized after each player uses them. The same applies to chairs and tables that receive gamblers.
In addition to these efforts, group gaming should be reduced. The minimum limit of players per table will depend on the casino. These limitations may affect the player’s experience.